Replacement Oil Reservoir
$7.50 $5.00
Original Beetle Jail Oil reservoirs with "D" handle and 21/2" deep are no longer available. The current Beetle Jail Entrance Trap oil Reservoir with "J" handle, 2" deep and 7 1/2" long, RRETU are available. These are also used in the current in the current...
Fly in Guard
The Fly in guard is for Beetle Jail Universal Entrance Trap only. The Fly in Guard prevents Small Hive Beetles from flying directly into the hive. The Fly in Guard is a part supplied with the Beetle Jail Universal Entrance Trap. The Fly in guard is...
Swarm Trooper Kit
Corrugated replacement Kit for Swarm Trooper. 5 frame double deep configuration only. Includes two sides, top, bottom and two double deep frame rests with screens.
5 Inch Square Screen
5 Inch Square Screen is supplied with all Clear Inner Covers and with all Beetle Jail Universal Entrance traps. It is a piece of 5 inch square fiber glass window screen. It will lay flat over an inner cover vent hole. This will prevent Small...