5 Inch Square Screen – Millerbees Mfg

5 Inch Square Screen

5 Inch Square Screen

  • $1.00
  • Availability: In Stock

5 Inch Square Screen is supplied with all Clear Inner Covers and with all Beetle Jail Universal Entrance traps.  It is a piece of 5 inch square fiber glass window screen.  It will lay flat over an inner cover vent hole.  This will prevent Small Hive Beetles, Wax moths and......

5 Inch Square Screen is supplied with all Clear Inner Covers and with all Beetle Jail Universal Entrance traps.  It is a piece of 5 inch square fiber glass window screen.  It will lay flat over an inner cover vent hole.  This will prevent Small Hive Beetles, Wax moths and Roaches from entering through this opening.

5 Inch Square Screen is fiberglass screen to prevent Small Hive Beetles from entering through the vent hole in the inner cover.