
  • Privacy Policy
    • Beetlejail.com does not share information with any outside parties or third parties. No credit card information is stored. We will not contact you for any purpose other than to discuss your order or answer any communication from our customers.
    • **Product Returns: All returns must be authorized by Beetlejail.com within 30 days of the invoice date.

      **Defective Product Returns: Within thirty (30) days of purchase, Beetlejail.com will replace or repair, at its sole discretion, any product that is deemed defective.

    • All orders will be processed within 5 business days of receipt of order. Orders may be delayed for a variety of unforeseen reasons. Beetlejail.com will make every attempt to meet shipping deadlines and will advise via Email when delays in order processing occur.

      For shipments outside of the United States, please contact us at beetlejail@gmail.com

    • Dealer inquiries welcome. Please call us at 1.731.695.6960